How to install phpmyadmin on centos 6

Phpmyadmin :

Phpmyadmin is a free tool used to administrate MySQL . Phpmyadmin supports all major operation with MySQL in GUI mode.

Before configuring Phpmyadmin refer these steps for installing and configuring apache , mysql and php.

1. Apache2 installation and configuration
2. Mysql installation
3. PHP installation
4. Testing all together

PhpMyadmin installation on Centos 6:

Using YUM :

Step 1 » Install/enable EPEL repository . You can find latest repository here ( )

[root@localhost ~]# rpm -ivh

Step 2 » Now update repositories

[root@localhost ~]# yum check-update

Step 3 » After updating yum repositories , now you can install phpmyadmin package

[root@localhost ~]# yum install phpMyAdmin

This command will install phpmyadmin package along with dependencies . please type the package name exactly as phpMyAdmin ( ” M” and “A” –> Uppercase )

Step 4 » Now restart httpd service

[root@localhost ~]# service httpd restart

Now open the path in your browser ( Eg-> ) . You can see the below screen after entering Mysql root username and password .

install Phpmyadmin centos

Troubleshooting :

»  #2002 – Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock’ (2)
The server is not responding (or the local server’s socket is not correctly configured).

( This means your mysql server service is stopped , you must start the service  “service mysql start”)

» You don’t have permission to access /phpMyAdmin/ on this server.

Open /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf file and find the lines “Deny from All ” and comment those lines and restart httpd service


  1. Great tip on using the version with the capital letters in the package name. The all-lowercase version is much more of a PITA to set up.

  2. Great tip on using the version with the capital letters in the package name. The all-lowercase version is much more of a PITA to set up.

  3. Unfortunately I keep on receiving error 403 even after following your advices. As a matter of fact I had to uninstall a previous working installation because of a grant problem on root and now I am left without phpMyAdmin and even with no access by sql client.

  4. Unfortunately I keep on receiving error 403 even after following your advices. As a matter of fact I had to uninstall a previous working installation because of a grant problem on root and now I am left without phpMyAdmin and even with no access by sql client.

  5. I have install phpmyadmin but 403 error apears when i open myip/phpmyadmin!
    What I have to do?
    I also edited phpmyadmin.conf

  6. I have install phpmyadmin but 403 error apears when i open myip/phpmyadmin!
    What I have to do?
    I also edited phpmyadmin.conf

  7. You wrote: “find the lines ‘Deny from All’ and comment those lines and restart httpd service”…. This is a VERY BAD practice. It is best to __add__ “Allow From” where is your IP. At a very least you should add “Allow From 1.2” to allow only from a group of IPs (all starting with the given two numbers).

  8. You wrote: “find the lines ‘Deny from All’ and comment those lines and restart httpd service”…. This is a VERY BAD practice. It is best to __add__ “Allow From” where is your IP. At a very least you should add “Allow From 1.2” to allow only from a group of IPs (all starting with the given two numbers).

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  1. Step Install phpMyAdmin di Apache menggunakan Centos 6 |

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