Login with facebook : You can use facebook login in your websites to allow users to login using their facebook account.you don’t need an extra registration and user management for your sites.you can also manage users in your facebook application page. This article explains how to integrate “Facebook login” to your websites using Facebook PHP SDK with an example and demo.
Login with facebook ( Version: 4 – Updated )
Create Facebook APP ID and APP secret .
Step 1 » Goto https://developers.facebook.com/apps/ and Click Add a New App .
» Choose Website
» Choose Name for you App and Click Create New Facebook App ID
» Choose a category for you App and click Create App ID
» Now Click Skip Quick Test
Step 2 » Under settings, Provide values for App domain ( Eg:www.krizna.com ) and Contact Email and click Add Platform.
Provide Values for Site URL and Mobile site URl ( Optional )
Step 3 » Now under Status & Review, Click the button to make you App live .
fbconfig.php file overview
Step 4 » Download the Demo package here Login with facebook .
Step 5 » Now open fbconfig.php file and enter your app ID, secret and change domain name .
// init app with app id and secret FacebookSession::setDefaultApplication( '64296382121312313','8563798aasdasdasdweqwe84' ); // login helper with redirect_uri $helper = new FacebookRedirectLoginHelper('https://www.krizna.com/fbconfig.php' );
Step 6 » Finally full code of fbconfig.php file. See the commented lines for more details
<?php session_start(); // added in v4.0.0 require_once 'autoload.php'; //require 'functions.php'; use FacebookFacebookSession; use FacebookFacebookRedirectLoginHelper; use FacebookFacebookRequest; use FacebookFacebookResponse; use FacebookFacebookSDKException; use FacebookFacebookRequestException; use FacebookFacebookAuthorizationException; use FacebookGraphObject; use FacebookEntitiesAccessToken; use FacebookHttpClientsFacebookCurlHttpClient; use FacebookHttpClientsFacebookHttpable; // init app with app id and secret FacebookSession::setDefaultApplication( '64296382121312313','8563798aasdasdasdweqwe84' ); // login helper with redirect_uri $helper = new FacebookRedirectLoginHelper('https://www.krizna.com/fbconfig.php' ); try { $session = $helper->getSessionFromRedirect(); } catch( FacebookRequestException $ex ) { // When Facebook returns an error } catch( Exception $ex ) { // When validation fails or other local issues } // see if we have a session if ( isset( $session ) ) { // graph api request for user data $request = new FacebookRequest( $session, 'GET', '/me' ); $response = $request->execute(); // get response $graphObject = $response->getGraphObject(); $fbid = $graphObject->getProperty('id'); // To Get Facebook ID $fbfullname = $graphObject->getProperty('name'); // To Get Facebook full name $femail = $graphObject->getProperty('email'); // To Get Facebook email ID /* ---- Session Variables -----*/ $_SESSION['FBID'] = $fbid; $_SESSION['FULLNAME'] = $fbfullname; $_SESSION['EMAIL'] = $femail; //checkuser($fuid,$ffname,$femail); header("Location: index.php"); } else { $loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl(); header("Location: ".$loginUrl); } ?>
logout.php file overview
Logout.php file is used only to destroy facebook session and return back to your home page .
Step 7 » Enter your home page in the code to redirect after logout.
<?php session_start(); session_unset(); $_SESSION['FBID'] = NULL; $_SESSION['FULLNAME'] = NULL; $_SESSION['EMAIL'] = NULL; header("Location: index.php"); // you can enter home page here ( Eg : header("Location: " ."https://www.krizna.com/home.php"); ?>
index.php file overview
Step 8 » You can change this file as per your need . Split this file into 2 parts before login and after login.
<?php session_start(); ?> <!doctype html> <html xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml"> <head> <title>Login with facebook</title> --- --- --- css stuff --- --- ---- </head> <body> <?php if ($_SESSION['FBID']): ?> -- --- - - - -- - Display content After user login -- -- - --- ---- -- - <?php else: ?> -- --- - - - -- - Display content before login -- -- - --- ---- -- - <?php endif ?> </body> </html>
Finally full code of index.php file .
<?php session_start(); ?> <!doctype html> <html xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml"> <head> <title>Login with Facebook</title> <link href="http://www.bootstrapcdn.com/twitter-bootstrap/2.2.2/css/bootstrap-combined.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <?php if ($_SESSION['FBID']): ?> <!-- After user login --> <div class="container"> <div class="hero-unit"> <h1>Hello <?php echo $_SESSION['USERNAME']; ?></h1> <p>Welcome to "facebook login" tutorial</p> </div> <div class="span4"> <ul class="nav nav-list"> <li class="nav-header">Image</li> <li><img src="https://graph.facebook.com/<?php echo $_SESSION['USERNAME']; ?>/picture"></li> <li class="nav-header">Facebook ID</li> <li><?php echo $_SESSION['FBID']; ?></li> <li class="nav-header">Facebook fullname</li> <li><?php echo $_SESSION['FULLNAME']; ?></li> <div><a href="logout.php">Logout</a></div> </ul></div></div> <?php else: ?> <!-- Before login --> <div class="container"> <h1>Login with Facebook</h1> Not Connected <div> <a href="fbconfig.php">Login with Facebook</a></div> </div> <?php endif ?> </body> </html>
That’s it . now facebook users can login into your websites using facebook login ID.
Store the User information
» You can store the user info locally . Create a mysql database and import below table structure .
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Users` ( `UID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Fuid` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `Ffname` varchar(60) NOT NULL, `Femail` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`UID`) );
» Open dbconfig.php file and change the DB vlaues.
<?php define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost'); define('DB_USERNAME', 'username'); // DB username define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password'); // DB password define('DB_DATABASE', 'database'); // DB name $connection = mysql_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD) or die( "Unable to connect"); $database = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE) or die( "Unable to select database"); ?>
» functions.php file contains a function to update the user information .
<?php require 'dbconfig.php'; function checkuser($fuid,$ffname,$femail){ $check = mysql_query("select * from Users where Fuid='$fuid'"); $check = mysql_num_rows($check); if (empty($check)) { // if new user . Insert a new record $query = "INSERT INTO Users (Fuid,Ffname,Femail) VALUES ('$fuid','$ffname','$femail')"; mysql_query($query); } else { // If Returned user . update the user record $query = "UPDATE Users SET Ffname='$ffname', Femail='$femail' where Fuid='$fuid'"; mysql_query($query); } } ?>
» Uncomment the below lines in fbconfig.php
require 'functions.php'; // Include functions
checkuser($fbid,$fbfullname,$femail); // To update local DB
That’s it .. now you can store the values locally .
Download contains all the configuration files .
Good luck
when i login i my account in facebook it will redirect into my index file and i cannot see my information in my facebook
hey bro plz help me
hi Jewin, can you give me the solution plz? thx
Sir, can you help me I have
“This webpage has a redirect loop” issue. plz help me
Not able to get username from this script
Not able to get username from this script
Great job
Great job
when login on fb after that the profile page will not be display what i do???? its not redirect to the index file? plz help me..
When i as doing the same i m getting this error :
The page isn’t redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.
please help me..
I have the same Issue can anyone help me,
“This webpage has a redirect loop”
When i as doing the same i m getting this error :
The page isn’t redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.
please help me..
Hello, you managed to solve the problem of this script ?? I have the same problem
help please.
Just a guess, but if you followed the instructions, the code should work as far as links go. Could it be something with your hosted web server settings? Are you using the correct PHP version 5.4+? Maybe the URL on the Facebook App is incorrect?
Hey – It seems like the OAuth version will be deprecated soon … Did you by any chance thought about improving the connector ? Love your work btw!
Hey – It seems like the OAuth version will be deprecated soon … Did you by any chance thought about improving the connector ? Love your work btw!
how to get friend list and email id from this tutorial …. any one can help me please …………..
how to get friend list and email id from this tutorial …. any one can help me please …………..
In my case. after Facebook login show error “A página Web em originou demasiados redirecionamentos.” THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ANYONE?
In my case. after Facebook login show error “A página Web em originou demasiados redirecionamentos.” THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ANYONE?
all ok, but you cant use a pop-up?
all ok, but you cant use a pop-up?
I tried above code but it displayed
‘The page isn’t redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.’ error
i set my app domain — localhost
and site url is –http://localhost/projectname
I tried above code but it displayed
‘The page isn’t redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.’ error
i set my app domain — localhost
and site url is –http://localhost/projectname
after login i cant see my FB email adres. The other things are ok!
i am using your demo files.
can you help me out?
at bottom of fbconfig.php
$loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl();
$loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl(array(‘req_perms’ => ’email’));
Thankyou Terry!
It works thanks! x
Hi terry I have “This webpage has a redirect loop” issue while trying to login using facebook php sdk. plz help me.
after login i cant see my FB email adres. The other things are ok!
i am using your demo files.
can you help me out?
at bottom of fbconfig.php
$loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl();
$loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl(array(‘req_perms’ => ’email’));
Thankyou Terry!
It works thanks! x
Hi terry I have “This webpage has a redirect loop” issue while trying to login using facebook php sdk. plz help me.
Olá, você conseguiu resolver o problema desse script ?? ajuda por favor.
Thank’s work done..
Thank’s work done..
how to get country code or name
how to get country code or name
Fatal error: Call to undefined function FacebookHttpClientsmb_substr() in /home/username/public_html/src/Facebook/HttpClients/FacebookCurlHttpClient.php on line 254
Fatal error: Call to undefined function FacebookHttpClientsmb_substr() in /home/username/public_html/src/Facebook/HttpClients/FacebookCurlHttpClient.php on line 254
gejcode not Get value
protected function getCode()
return isset($_GET[‘code’]) ? $_GET[‘code’] : null;
need help… everything displays properly except for the email.. the email address does not display
need help… everything displays properly except for the email.. the email address does not display
logout not work. Any solutions?
It doesent logout from website. I try to logout and redirect to indexpage. After that I hit to login button and yahuu I am back logged in with the same Facebook account.