Copy to clipboard multiple links using zClip

Copy to clipboard from browsers can be done by using zclip jquery plugin. Here we can see about how it’s work with multiple links .

Copy to clipboard

Here we require below files . just download these files for local use


Now open jquery.zclip.min.js and set ZeroClipboard.swf file path.

Javascript and CSS :

<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<link href="bootstrap-combined.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> 
<script src="jquery.zclip.min.js"></script>

HTML part :

Input values and copy links are identified from their respective id attributes.

<input value="" type="text" id="input1">
<input value="" type="text" id="input2">
<input value="" type="text" id="input3">
<a href="#" class="copy" id="input1"><span id="input1">Copy input1</span></a>
<a href="#" class="copy" id="input2"><span id="input2">Copy input2</span></a>
<a href="#" class="copy" id="input3"><span id="input3">Copy input3</span></a>

Jquery code :

Jquery code is very simple , refer the comments .

$( "a.copy" ).each(function() { // This will loop all the link elements with class "copy"
	var id=$(this).attr("id");  // Get the unique value from attr "ID"
	$('a#'+id).zclip({             // Start processing with zclip
     	copy:function(){return $('input#'+id).val();}, // this will copy value from respective input field 
	afterCopy:function(){             // this will be executed after copying
		$( "span" ).each(function(){ 
			var val=$(this).attr("id");
			$(this).text("Copy "+val); 
		 $('span#'+id).text(id+" Copied"); 

Full code :

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang="en"> 
<meta charset="utf-8"> 
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script src="jquery.zclip.min.js"></script>
	<h4>Demo Page</h4>
			<tr><td><b>Input Box 1 </b></td><td><input value="" type="text" id="input1"></td></tr>
			<tr><td><b>Input Box 2 </b></td><td><input value="" type="text" id="input2"></td></tr>
			<tr><td><b>Input Box 3 </b></td><td><input value="" type="text" id="input3"></td></tr>
			<tr><td><b>Input Box 4 </b></td><td><input value="" type="text" id="input4"></td></tr>
			<tr><td><b>Input Box 5 </b></td><td><input value="" type="text" id="input5"></td></tr>
			<p><a href="#" class="copy" id="input1"><span id="input1">Copy input1</span></a></p>
			<p><a href="#" class="copy" id="input2"><span id="input2">Copy input2</span></a></p>
			<p><a href="#" class="copy" id="input3"><span id="input3">Copy input3</span></a></p>
			<p><a href="#" class="copy" id="input4"><span id="input4">Copy input4</span></a></p>
			<p><a href="#" class="copy" id="input5"><span id="input5">Copy input5</span></a></p>
		<div>Paste here
$( "a.copy" ).each(function() { 
	var id=$(this).attr("id"); 
     	copy:function(){return $('input#'+id).val();},
		$( "span" ).each(function(){ 
			var val=$(this).attr("id");
			$(this).text("Copy "+val); 
		 $('span#'+id).text(id+" Copied"); 


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